How 50 Shades of Grey Is Pushing More Married Women to Cheat

How-50-Shades-of-Grey-Is-Pushing-More-Married-Women-to-CheatIf you haven’t read the book 50 Shades of Grey you may be the only one, oh wait, you are a guy never mind. If I was speaking to a woman she would probably know what I was talking about. The book 50 Shades of Grey has become a phenomenon for liberating the sexual mores of women everywhere. It is a book that breaks open the traditional roles that women play in sexual relationships and liberates them to take control of what happens in the bedroom. A sadomasochistic relationship abounds between a woman and her male counterpart. It is like a porno in paperback. So what impact is 50 Shades of Grey having on women and why is it good for you to know who has read it and who hasn’t?

50 Shades of Grey spreading worldwide

Over the past several decades the sexual roles of both men and woman have begun to role reverse on ashley madison feedback. It used to be that men were in control of sexual encounters. Sure, women have always had the upper hand when it came to whether sex happened or not, but when it came to the bedroom, men were the aggressors. The book 50 Shades of Grey only takes those sexual roles that much farther. The woman in the book travels down the road to sexual exploration and kinky sex. Why is it so significant?

The book introduces themes that once were taboo and puts them into the light of mainstream. In fact, the more that the book becomes popular the more mainstream the practices of the two characters in the book become more acceptable. That means that the old things that were once considered unacceptable are now becoming more than acceptable to women around the world. That not only applies to those women who are single, it is spilling over into those who are married. Women all over the globe are being encouraged to engage in risky sexual behaviors that they would never have considered in the past.

So what does that mean to married women?

The average housewife who is reading this book is getting turned on, literally, by the idea of a sexual encounter that is something out of the ordinary. Reading about it is just not good enough for many bored and lonely women who are not getting the attention that they crave from the men that they love. Seeing this as their way out, they are starting to think that exploring out of their own relationship isn’t really cheating, it is just exploring.

Thanks to the internet it has made it even easier for married women to go outside of their relationship for sex. They are able to use dating and hookup sites to find men who are willing to keep their secret safe, but to satisfy their wish for something that is kinky and out of character for them. They want something more out of their life and believe that the thrill of kinky sex is within their reach. That is bad for their husbands, but good for you.

If you are looking for a hookup you may want to benefit from the romance novel and the things that it is encouraging women everywhere to do. Think of it like you are doing them a favor and saving them from their boring lives. What you get out of it is pure satisfaction. What they get is a break from the everyday. Also, you are giving them a boost to their self-confidence. When you look at it rationally, it is really a win-win situation for everyone, even if their husbands don’t think so.

Thanks to 50 Shades of Grey the social mores of the culture are changing, not only are women becoming more comfortable with their bodies and the notion of experimentation they are also finding that having a fling outside of marriage may be the cure they are looking for to cure their boring lives. If you are smart you will get in on the craze. Whether you look for a married woman looking for some adventure, or a single one who wants to try something new, the book is making it easier for a guy to get laid all around the world. You can thank the author for all the cultural change they initiated.

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