Discreet Adventures Review
If you’ve never heard of Discreet Adventures, there’s good reason for that. It’s not well known, because, as our testers discovered, it’s not worth the price of membership. There are a number of things wrong with the site, which we’ll cover in detail.
Indiscreet Billing Policies
It wasn’t an issue for our testers, because we were covering the cost of their membership for two months, but they all brought this issue to our attention. The site clearly states in their FAQ that they can’t guarantee how the billing will show up, that it’s up to each individual bank, and that if you need more discreet billing, you can send a money order. First of all, we call bullshit. All of the higher quality affair sites we use guarantee discreet billing by using a third party biller that can’t be connect to the affair site. Any cheating site worth its salt invests in this service. Second of all, a money order? Really? It’s not 1987. How utterly ridiculous to inconvenience your members by insisting that the only way you can ensure their privacy is by having them use an archaic payment method. Why would anyone go through that hassle or risk their wife discovering a charge for a cheating site when there are so many sites that make it easy to avoid those scenarios?
Where Were All the Women?
You’ll notice that there’s another missing feature that most high-quality cheating sites have. On popular affair websites, the membership numbers are clearly and prominently displayed. We looked high and low for this on Discreet Adventures, but it was nowhere to be found. Once our men had their memberships activated, they said that they immediately realized why this was the case. If you’ve got a huge, active membership base, displaying your numbers is good for business. But if your membership base and male/female ratio is less than impressive, it’s not exactly in your business’s best interest to make those stats public. Any decent looking married woman seeking an affair would probably be like a kid in a candy shop on this site, because she’d have very little competition! This might be good news for the women, but it’s absolutely terrible for us guys. Not only were there very few women to begin with, it seemed like most of the profiles that did exist were cold leads. Maybe the women got bored and left for another site, or maybe the profiles weren’t real to begin with. In any case, most of the messages our testers sent went unanswered.
Too Much Fear and Lack of Follow Through
With daily check-ins and a ton of persistence, our testers did manage to initiate contact with a couple of attractive cougars in their cities. However, in both cases, these contacts never ended up leading to face to face meetings for sex. After some back and forth online, both women revealed that while they had been contemplating having an affair, they had never actually gone through with it, yet. In the end, both women got cold feet and were too scared to follow through. While this happens from time to time on any affair dating site, typically it’s the exception, not the rule. On a super active site, and occasional case of this doesn’t matter, because a more willing and eager woman will be along shortly. But on a site like Discreet Adventures, where there are no experienced women eager to carry out an affair, it makes the site totally worthless.
Three Men, Two Months, No Affairs
Maybe when they say “discreet,” they actually mean, “non-existent,” because in the end, our testers didn’t score even a single time. When three men diligently use an affair site for two months, this is completely unacceptable and proves that the site is a complete waste of money.

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