AttachedPeople Review
When we signed up our five testers for Attached People, we entered the experience with an open mind. Our hope, of course, was that our dudes would meet some hot, mature lonely housewives for great sex. However, by the end of the two month testing period, it was clear that the site was a complete waste of money. All three testers had such negative experiences with it that they told us they wouldn’t bother with it even if it were free, because it isn’t even worth the time spent on creating profiles and sending email.
The Male/Female Ratio Sucked
You’d never know it when you sign up for the site, but the male/female ratio is absolutely atrocious. They’ll suck you in by making it appear that there are tons of married women looking for affairs here, but once they’ve got your money and you start attempting to contact these chicks, you’ll realize that most of the profiles aren’t real. At least 90% of the female profiles on Attached People are either dead links or con artists. When you whittle away all of the fake b.s. you’re left with only about one real woman for every twenty men using the site.
A Hotbed of Nasty
If 90% of the supposed women on this site are fake, you might be thinking that the 10% that are real might mean that it’s still worth a shot. You’d be wrong. Just because you’re seeking affair doesn’t mean you should have to settle for women that don’t come close to meeting your standards. Attached People is a hotbed of nasty. You’re not going to find many (if any) MILFs here. At best, you might come across a chick that qualifies for average, and that’s if you’re lucky! Instead, you’ll get messages from fat, ugly, haggard women you wouldn’t want to touch with a ten-foot pole. Most guys would rather take care of their urges solo than sleep with these women. Seriously, you’d find better looking women hanging around a truck stop. It’s disgusting.
The Amount of Time Wasted is Infuriating
Since we didn’t know what a complete scam this site was at the beginning of our testing period, our guys put in a lot of time crafting awesome cheating profiles and sending messages we’ve used to reap great results on other cheating sites to women they believed looked like good prospective affairs. They spent hours searching through profiles and sending out over 100 messages each. In the end, most of that time was completely wasted. Most of the time, they never even heard back from anyone. When someone did respond, it was almost always immediately clear that they were dealing with a con artist or prostitute. After two full months of trying, only one guy ended up scoring once, and he reported that he went through with it more out of boredom than actual attraction. Two months, hundreds of emails, and only one subpar hookup to show for it. Our testers were beyond pissed off, and with good reason!
Save Your Time and Money
The only good thing that came from this experience is that now we can expose this site for the scam that it is. There are a lot of men out there who naively fork over their money to Attached People, only to find out that they might as well have used the cash to start a bonfire. We believe that you should get what you pay for, and you’re never going to get your money’s worth here. By publicizing this experience, we hope that hundreds of men seeking affairs can avoid getting screwed over.

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